seo tutorial, seo tools, seo techniques, seo news, seo tips and tricks, seo forums, blog seo tips
We create a blog or a website and  need traffic on it.Many more Earn $$ on this web.This is a Dream for all people but i told you that how to apply Seo on our Blog / Website. Simple terms of use and apply on your  web.
1-      Blog or website seo.
Seo is the best method to Promote your site or a blog submit in all Search Engines
How may search engine daily bases uses
i-        Google 
ii-       Yahoo / Bing
iii-     Msn
The traffic return our site or a blog 80% through Search Engine and 20% other media like Facebook , Twitter, YouTube and Forum. Submit your site URL in Google ,Yahoo and Msn. Create a Facebook Page on Facebook your site Advertizement, your all post share in FacebookPage.As well as create a Twitter Account ,you tube account and a Forum account your all post URL put in it.

2-      How to promoter a website in search engine.
If your site have no visitors then some setting in your blog or a website.
i-                    Title Tag
ii-                   Meta Description
iii-                 Anker Tag or URL
iv-                 Find Back-links
v-                  Check your index page
vi-                 Check your Google History
vii-               Find same Keywords
i-                    Title Tag.
This tag put the H.T.M.L on top of your site and this tag tell the search engine about your website or a blog. This title tag contain on 64 alphabetical characters. Your site title complete in a Google
<title> your website title here </title
ii-                   Meta Description.
This tag is very impotent for our blog post. Meta tag describe your web page and this tag contain 225 alphabetical characters. Please do not use a spam word. Do not use same Your keywords.
iii-                Anker Tag or URL.
This Impotent tag use the post description put the link tags. Your Anker  tag is a click-able word. And put the link your another post . visitors see this tag and click this open your other post to your site this method your site page preview is up for few days.
iv-                Find Backlinks
Very important  this method find back links ranking is up by this method.Put the main keyword in anker tag. If you find your website or a blog back-links so type this words in Google search .
Link:www.your site name . com
Complete you website links see here in your site.
v-                  Check your index page.
Check your index page daily basses. This is very important. In this method we see how many pages index in Google search engine. And type in Google search this words
Site: www. Your site name . com
vi-                 Google History checkup.
Check your Google history in you website or a blog search this command in Google search.
Cache: www. Your site here .com
vii-               Find same Keywords
Same keywords is a heart of internet. And you conform your Main keyword Put in a Meta tags and this keyword contain 25 words. This method is very use full and you have a best target.
3-      Find your post title and keywords in Google keyword planner.
Very important this because i find a keyword and put this post title and post description use the Google Keyword Planner. In this i saw all of the world people find keyword and 3 category this words. 1st Low 2nd Medium and the 3rd of High. You use the Medium and low because if any people search in word in Google our site is on the top.
4   Submit your site in search engine.
Your site submit in Google search engine    ( login your yahoo id )


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